Wednesday, 12 March 2008

28 When you are in emergency

No one wishes to be in emergency, neither do you. But if you are in such a situation, you should ask for help, whom you should ask depending on the kind of the emergency. And what if this happens when you are in Indonesia? The following terms and expressions might be of importance when you are in emergency.

Please call the police! Tolong panggil polisi!
Please call a doctor/an ambulance, quickly! Tolong panggil dokter/ambulans, cepat!
Help! Tolong!
Beware of pickpocket! Hati-hati banyak pencuri!
There has been an accident! Ada kecelakaan!
Fire! Kebakaran!
He's/she's bleeding (heavily). Dia berdarah.
He's/she's (seriously) injured. Dia luka parah.
I can't move my (hand, arm, foot, leg, neck). It hurts. Saya tidak bisa menggerakkan (tangan, lengan, kaki, telapak kaki, leher) saya. Sakit.

Until next lessons, sampai jumpa!


Tuesday, 4 March 2008

27 Is this site of any help?

Dear readers,

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I hope you'll enjoy my service, but if you think this site needs some improvement I am very happy to hear it from you!


