Let us now learn how personal pronouns act as possessive determiners and possessive pronouns in Indonesian language.
C) Personal pronouns as possessive determiners and possessive pronouns
To make a personal pronoun possessive determiner, just place it after a noun(s).
To make a personal pronoun possessive pronoun, just put the word punya before it. Literary, punya means own or have.
Let us see some examples below.
my = saya/aku (aku is informal)
mine = punya + saya/aku (aku is informal)
our = kami (used when excluding the person addressed)
ours = punya + kami (used when excluding the person addressed)
our = kita (used when including the person addressed)
ours = punya + kita (used when including the person addressed)
your (singular) = anda/saudara/kamu/kau (kamu and kau are informal)
yours (singular)= punya + anda/saudara/kamu/kau (kamu and kau are informal)
your (plural) = kalian or anda/saudara/kamu/kau + sekalian
yours (plural) = punya + kalian or anda/saudara/kamu/kau + sekalian
his = nya/dia/beliau
his = punya + nya/dia/beliau
her = nya/dia/beliau
hers = punya + nya/dia/beliau
its = nya (as possessive determiner)
their = mereka
theirs = punya + mereka
Mobil saya baru My car is new
Mobil itu punya saya That car is mine
Rumah kami ada di
Punya kami sudah habis Ours has run out. (In this case, ours can be anything)
Anjing kita sangat pintar Our dog is very clever.
Silakan ambil punya kita Please take ours (In this case, ours can be anything)
Mereka suka tulisan anda They like your writings
Punya anda sangat menarik Yours is very attractive
Pendapat kalian tidak masuk akal Your opinion is nonsense
Pendapat anda sekalian tidak masuk akal Your opinion is nonsense
Saya akan membeli punya anda I will buy yours
Saya akan membeli punya anda sekalian I will buy yours
Kantornya jauh dari sini His/her office is far from here
Punya beliau belum terjual His/hers is not sold out yet
Tas itu besar, warnanya hitam The bag is big, its colour is black
Kami punya nomor telepon mereka We have their phone number
Punya mereka ada di Amerika Theirs is in the
Do you think it is too much? Do not worry, just learn and memorize them again and again.
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